Igre Rise of Kingdoms Negativni Vse ocene

Vaše mnenje in ocene Rise of Kingdoms

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Biggifoot (гость)
14 oktober 2024

My id is 186548825. If you are thinking about starting to play this game: never start. 1. Developers will rob you at any moment and no one will provide you with information why 2. Support service, this is the worst service I have seen in my entire life 3. You, as a client, are not interesting to anyone, you can play like me for 12 hours a day, invest money, be P4 and teach other players to play, but one day, they will write to you that you are a cheater, to your surprise and attempt to find the truth, you will simply be banned, and the support service will not find anything better than sending you the same phrase without listening to you at all. In order for my honest name to have nothing to do with them, I deleted the account with 400+ million resources and purchased characters. Trust me,… Preberi v celoti

Зараза (гость)
30 januar 2024

Donatorji se neumno igrajo sami s seboj, bojijo se drugih, zato takoj začnejo tepsti ((npr. strežnik 3365, sploh ni možnosti za razvoj, razvijalcem pa je glavno, da denar kaplja, tako da.. ...

CLU (гость)
20 julij 2024

Sem igralec z 90 milijoni moči, ki igra v 1001 kraljestvu. v tej igri je vse odvisno od donacije. celotna igra je narejena za donatorje. primer: sledil sem novemu kraljestvu, ki je pravkar vstopilo v herojsko himno KVK, vsi so imeli 10-12 milijonov moči, en donator s 665 milijoni moči pa je lahko ponižal vse. Tega igranja močno odsvetujem. Če se vseeno odločite iti v 1001. kraljestvo, se ne borimo in pomagamo prišlekom.
