If you say that the Monk is the least popular class in Baldur's Gate 3, you'll most likely be right. Not only does this class walk around without armor, but it also fights unarmed — seemingly useless, right? But that's not entirely true, because the Monk has a plethora of advantages that can indeed save your playthrough. In this guide, we've described the best build for the Monk, as well as what weapons and equipment to outfit this fighter with.
Opomba: Monk je glavni lik avtorja te gradnje. S njihovo pomočjo smo dokončali igro od nadležnih hudičev do nadležnih vampirjev na težavnosti Taktika.
V Baldur's Gate 3 razred Monk pridobi bonuse med bojem brez oklepa in orožja, vendar to ne pomeni, da se moraš boriti popolnoma nag. Na različnih stopnjah igre se boš k opremi približeval drugače, na primer:
Primarna lastnost Monka je Spretnost. Določa moč tvojega udarca. Toda še pomembneje, spretnost vpliva na tvojo Razred oklepa (AC), ki naj bi bil visok, da sovražniki redko zadenejo junaka in idealno te ne morejo ubiti.
Druga pomembna lastnost je Modrost. Tako kot spretnost, tudi ta vpliva na AC. Poleg tega modrost povečuje moč tvojih urokov, ki, čeprav so prisotni v omejenem številu za Monka, igrajo svojo vlogo.
Slika zgoraj prikazuje priporočene lastnosti na ravni 1. Ne skrbi za nizko Konstitucijo, ker se bomo k temu vrnili.
Pot Monka senc se morda zdi nepričakovana izbira za nekatere, vendar te bomo prepričali v nasprotno. Dejstvo je, da je Monk s tem podrazredom izmuzljiv in neuničljiv ninja, sposoben gibanja po temnih krajih kot Flash, vidi v temi (kar bo koristno za tiste, ki ne igrajo kot elfi) in se skriva povsod. To je najmočnejši in najbolj mobilen podrazred v primerjavi z ostalimi.
We choose the Tough skill because even with high elusiveness, it's important to be prepared to take a hit. Also, let's not forget about the importance of health (HP), which is quite a crucial aspect.
This part is simple. At this stage, you should increase Dexterity to the maximum value through Ability Score Improvement. This is necessary to achieve massive damage when using multiple attacks (don't forget how the monk's ki works), as well as to support AC. Remember that the maximum amount of health doesn't always play a decisive role, as a high armor class will most often prevent enemies from hitting the hero.
Since the Monk has equipment restrictions, we've highlighted a few items that you must find as you progress through the game. They will help improve the hero's stats and provide various bonuses.
Bracers of Defense, which give a permanent +2 to AC for those who do not wear armor and shields, are found during the game in the first act. They are located in a secret area of the basement under the Abandoned Village, in a gilded chest at coordinates X:-656, Y:-370. Once you put them on your hero, you can pretty much forget that there are any other gloves in Baldur's Gate 3.
The second item is the Amulet of Health, permanently raising your Constitution to 23 points and giving an advantage on checks. It's a bit harder to find because it's hidden in the third act. To get it, you need to enter House of Hope in Avernus and go to the pedestal at coordinates X:-6548, Y: -2901. Note that this item will have to be stolen.