Grozljivka preživetja, postavljena v prvo svetovno vojno. Glavno dogajanje se odvija leta 1916. Glavni junak je francoski vojak, ki poskuša najti svojega brata, ki... Več podrobnosti
Predogled, pregled CONSCRIPT, intervjuji z razvijalci, analize in strokovna mnenja — tukaj smo zbrali edinstvene materiale, ki so jih pripravili avtorji in uporabniki. Če želite globoko razumeti CONSCRIPT, ste na pravem mestu.
TOP-15 Kul iger leta 2024, ki ste jih morda spregledali
The past year was rather lacking in major releases and blockbuster hits. As a result, many gamers (including us) formed the opinion that nothing substantial was released in 2024. But of course, that's not true. According to Steam statistics, more games were released last year than in 2023. Throughout the season, we mainly talked about the most important and loud releases and less about small projects that were unlucky with advertising and wide publicity. In this article, we've compiled 15 cool games that you definitely need to try. Perhaps these projects will be what you associate with 2024.
9 januar 2025