Crusader Kings 2
Crusader Kings 2 je pogojno plačano nadaljevanje globalne strategije v realnem času. Tako kot prvi del tudi Crusader Kings 2 modelira sistem fevdalnih odnosov v... Več podrobnosti
161 dosežek za Crusader Kings 2 (Steam) / Stran 1 (dosežki 1 — 50)

The Marriage Game
Marry another character

Eternity Denied
Kill a character with the Immortal trait.

Peace in Our Time
Enforce peace for 6 or more vassals.

Build a Hospital.

Papal Mache
Have elephants trample the Pope/Caliph.

Close Call
From Seclusion, kick someone out who had the plague.

An Honest Mistake
From Seclusion, kick someone out who did not have the plague.

No Solicitors
Go into Seclusion.

Not So Bad
Survive the End Times.

There Can Be Only One
Become immortal.

Prodigious Five
Have at least one child with each of the five level four education traits.

Typhoid Mary
Contract three symptoms.

Scarrrrrred for Life
Become One-Eyed, One-Legged and One-Handed.

I Got Better
Recover from the Black Death.

Aptly Named
Die from the Black Death.

Unwelcome Visitors
As an assassin, assassinate a Crusader King in the Holy land.

Dark Lord
Become Grandmaster of any devil-worshiper society.

As the Anti-Christ/spawn of Satan, become Grandmaster of the Satanists.

I am the Law
As a vassal use a favor to change a law.

Follow Me
Successfully intervene in a youth's development to force one of your own traits onto them.

Black Pope
Have a priest you corrupted (as a Satanist) become Pope.

One Arrow Alone can be Easily Broken but Many Arrows are Indestructible
As a steppe horde, have a population of 150 000.

Steppe by Steppe
As a steppe horde, conquer the whole steppe region.

"Never start a Land War in Asia"
Start in Western Europe and completely conquer the region of Mongolia.

As a Norse character, become King of Mongolia.

Pax Mongolica
Build 3 fully upgraded silk road trade posts.

Sword to Ploughshare
Settle a steppe mercenary with more than 20 martial in your lands.

Let's go out into the Field
Defeat a sibling in a war using the rival casus belli.

Nobody's Business but the Turks
Conquer Constantinople as a Turkic steppe horde.

Go West Young Mongol
As a steppe horde, have an independent tributary King or Emperor in the British Isles

One is not Amused
As a ruler have a council that is not content.

Who Needs Vasco da Gama?
Own all the silk route ports in india as a European merchant republic.

Run With the Wolf
Play as a character with Wolf's Blood.

The Yes Men
Have all members of your council be Loyalists.

You Owe Me
Have someone owe you a Favor

Shadow Prince
Sit on the council and have every other council member as well as the ruler owing you a favor.

Pay to Win
Win a war using Mercenaries.

Create a mercenary band and have them bring in money for you.

Jihad Sultan
As a Muslim King or higher, become Grandmaster of the Assassins.

Smash the Patriarchy
As female Messalian/Bogomilist/Cathar Ruler own all 5 baronies which make up the Orthodox Pentarchies and have a female temple holder control them.

Build an Observatory

Bless my Reign down in Africa
As a King or Emperor, have one of your domain Counties under the influence of a successful Rain Dance.

Heathenous Ways
Starting as Erik the Heathen in 1066, rule the Kingdom of Sweden with the reformed Germanic Faith.

By Jupiter!
Reform the Hellenic faith.

Bloody Line
As a religion worshipping Bloodthirsty Gods, sacrifice enough people to found a Bloodline.

Pagan Fury
As a ruler with any Pagan religion, win a Christian Crusade targeting you.

Under the Power of the Eternal Heaven
As a member of the Ashina clan, solidify your divinity by ruling as Religious Head of the Reformed Tengri religion.

From Servant to Saint
Have a character you used to play be proclaimed a saint and have their Saintly Bloodline running in your veins.

Family First
As a character with a religion that practice Divine Marriages, have one of your siblings, parents and children as spouses/consorts at the same time.

Over Your Dead Body
As a Tribal ruler, gain a title you have a claim on by duelling the holder.