Pokemon Legends: Z-A
Potezna taktična akcija v domišljijskem vesolju legendarnih Pokemonov. Dogodki v igri se odvijajo v veliki metropoli Lumiosa, v kateri se dogajajo nekatere velike... Več podrobnosti
Članki Pokemon Legends: Z-A
Predogled, pregled Pokemon Legends: Z-A, intervjuji z razvijalci, analize in strokovna mnenja — tukaj smo zbrali edinstvene materiale, ki so jih pripravili avtorji in uporabniki. Če želite globoko razumeti Pokemon Legends: Z-A, ste na pravem mestu.

Najbolj pričakovane igre leta 2025 na Nintendo Switch
According to insiders, a new Nintendo console will be released in 2025. However, it is too early to write off the original Switch. Moreover, many potentially interesting games are planned for it, both exclusive and multi-platform. In this article, we decided not to list the remasters and remakes of classics that will be released on Switch, but focused exclusively on new projects.
7 januar 2025