The Outlast Trials
Predzgodba celotne serije grozljivk Outlast. Zaplet se osredotoča na skupino eksperimentalnih subjektov, ki jih je med hladno vojno ugrabilo podjetje Murkoff... Več podrobnosti
Članki The Outlast Trials
Predogled, pregled The Outlast Trials, intervjuji z razvijalci, analize in strokovna mnenja — tukaj smo zbrali edinstvene materiale, ki so jih pripravili avtorji in uporabniki. Če želite globoko razumeti The Outlast Trials, ste na pravem mestu.
Top 12: Najboljši sodelovalni grozljivke (2021-2023)
Not every gamer likes to be left alone with a game — especially when it comes to horrors (which, by the way, have been around for over 40 years). Therefore, cooperative horrors are quite a popular genre, although not all projects manage to make it to the top lists. Today, we have prepared for you a top list of the scariest games for two, where you can have a great time with your friends.
23 marec 2024