22 dosežka za Trailmakers (Steam)

Dosežek Ready For Takeoff v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Ready For Takeoff
Rebuild your spaceship
Dosežek Monster! v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Drive over 8 chickens on Treasure Island in one session
Dosežek Pay your respect v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Pay your respect
Visit the monument on Treasure Island
Dosežek Treehugger v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Hug the Tree on the Northeastern Island in Treasure Island
Dosežek El Capitan v igri Trailmakers za Steam
El Capitan
Reach the top of Danger Zone
Dosežek So attractive! v igri Trailmakers za Steam
So attractive!
Pick up a piece of Salvage with the Tractor Beam
Dosežek Leonardo da Vinci v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Leonardo da Vinci
Stay airborne in a zero Power Core vehicle for 60 seconds
Dosežek Problem Solver v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Problem Solver
Complete all the ball puzzles on Treasure Island in one session
Dosežek Man in Black v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Man in Black
Fly through all the rings of fire in Treasure Island one session
Dosežek Sonic Boom v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Sonic Boom
Break the sound barrier
Dosežek Car Collector v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Car Collector
Download and load in a vehicle from the Workshop
Dosežek Bring Marshmallows! v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Bring Marshmallows!
Enter the volcano
Dosežek Sharing is Caring v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Sharing is Caring
Upload a vehicle to the Workshop
Dosežek Moby Dick v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Moby Dick
Bump into the whales in Treasure Island
Dosežek Best View In Town v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Best View In Town
Land on the lighthouse on Race Island
Dosežek Hot Air v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Hot Air
Crash into the blimp on Race Island
Dosežek Island Hopper v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Island Hopper
Land on all the floating islands above Race Island in one session
Dosežek To Fly or Not To Fly v igri Trailmakers za Steam
To Fly or Not To Fly
Get gold on Cliff Land
Dosežek Slide to Win v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Slide to Win
Get gold on Sunny Slide
Dosežek Gold Rush v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Gold Rush
Get gold on Downhill Rush
Dosežek Power Core Collector v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Power Core Collector
Find 15 Power Cores in Stranded in Space
Dosežek 3-Pointer v igri Trailmakers za Steam
Shoot hoops on Danger Zone