Cerkev začne izgubljati smrtonosno vojno proti čarovnicam in se odloči uporabiti prepovedano pogansko magijo, da skupino prostovoljcev spremeni v nesmrtne lovce... Več podrobnosti
Članki Witchfire
Predogled, pregled Witchfire, intervjuji z razvijalci, analize in strokovna mnenja — tukaj smo zbrali edinstvene materiale, ki so jih pripravili avtorji in uporabniki. Če želite globoko razumeti Witchfire, ste na pravem mestu.
Top 10 iger z najboljšo grafiko leta 2023
The past year of 2023 has treated us to a plethora of top-notch games, earning its place among the best in the history of the gaming industry. However, the long-awaited convergence of reality and virtuality let us down once again. We saw many simply beautiful games with excellent graphics, good animation, and high detail. It's time to list the brightest releases of the past year — for both consoles and PC!
21 marec 2024