WWE 2K19
WWE 2K19 je nadaljevanje serije letnih simulatorjev rokoborbe z licenco WWE. Pričakujete lahko, da boste srečali številne zvezdnike in legende iz WWE in NXT. Novi... Več podrobnosti
Nove tehnike iz prejšnjih delov
1569150850_wwe_2k19_moveset_animation_pack.rarPrenesi 90.27 MBGeslo za arhiv: vgtimes
Mod dodaja (ne nadomešča) tehnike iz prejšnjih iger v seriji WWE.
Namestitev: razpakirajte mapo pac v imenik igre in potrdite zamenjavo datotek.
Seznam potez:
Twist of Fate 1 (2k18)
Running Powerslam (2k18)
Diving Fist Drop 2 (2k18)
Diving Fist Drop 1 (2k18)
Potapljaški dvojni ročaj sekire 3 (2K18)
Podloga od trebuha do hrbta Slam 2 (2k18)
Alley Oop 2 (2k18) — Ni navedeno v 2k19
Adjustment Piledriver (2kl8)
Float-Over DDT 2 (2k17
DDT 1 (2K18
DDT 9 ( 2k18)
Padec telesa na hrbet / Spinebuster Combo
Gorilla Press/Ultimate Splash Combo
Ven-Emma (cobra)
Powerbomb 3 (2k15)
Sambo Suplex (2k15)
Playmaker (MVP) (Hidden)
Rolling Komolec (2k18)
Eat Defeat (2k15) Gail Kim
Backbreaker Drop 1 (2k18)
Boxing Straight Punch (2k18)
Ladder Bulldog (Hidden)
Suplex 3 (2k18)
Diving Leg drop 1 (2k18) -
Sharanui 1 (2k18)
Fisherman Suplex 3 (2k15)
Triple German Suplex (2k15)
Chick Kick (2k17)
Santino Stunner (2k17)
DDT 3 (2k18)
DDT 4 (2k18)
Leg-Trap Spinebuster (2k15)
Facecrusher 3 (2k15)
Knee Lift 2 (2k15)
Side Headlock Takedown (2k15)
Camel Clutch 1 (2k18)
Camel sklopka z dvojno roko (2k15)
Stojalo za mučenje 1 (2k18)
Perfect-Plex 1 (2k18)
Coconut Crush (2k15)
Facecrusher 1 (2k18)
Spear 4 (2k15)
Running Turnbuckle Smash (2k18)
Hip Hop Drop (2k18)
Dropkick s srednje vrvi (2k18)
Diving Moonsault 3 (2k18)
Corner Trapped Clotheslines 1 (2k18)
Locomotive Splash (2k18)
Apron Dropkick (Roman Reigns OMG)
Ring Post Tornado DDT (OMG)
Lomilec srednje vrvi
Corner Post Baseball Slide (OMG)
Fisherman Suplex 5 (2k16)
Seated Clothesline (2k16)
Low Dropkick 1 (2k15)
Hot shot (2k15)
Codebreaker 3 ( 2k15)
Igralčev čevelj (2k15)
RKO 2 (2k15)
World's Strongest Slam 2 (2k15)
Samoan Strike 2 (2k15)
Hurricanerana (2k15)
Codebreaker 2 (2k15)
Sweet Chin Music 3 ( 2k15)
Prilagoditev odnosa 2 (2k15)
Chokeslam 2 (2k15)
Harmonika Rack 2 (2k18)
Big Boot 3 (2k15)
Brain Chop (2k15)
Butterfly DDT 2 (2K18)
Vrvica za perilo 8 (2k15)
Crucifix Powerbomb 2 (2k17)
DDT 5 (2K15)
Gory Neckbreaker (2k18)
Hairpull Whip (2k15)
Hip Toss 5 (2k15)
Keylock Combo 4 (2k15) ) )
Zadnji klic (2k15)
Meat Hook (2k17)
Mounted Punches 1 (2k18)
Olimpijski udarec 1 (2k18)
Outer limitz komolec Drop (2k18)
Igralčev čevelj 2 (2k15)
Strupena megla (2k18)
Poison Mist Claw (2k18)
Power of the Punch (2k18)
Powerbomb 3 (2k18)
Pull-back udarec podlakti (2k15)
RKO1 (2k15)
Scoop Slam in Drop Kick (2k15)
Sedeči Senton (2k15)
Silver Spoon DDT (2K18)
Sit-Out Neckbreaker (2k16)
Sit-Out Powerbomb 2 (2k15)
wo handed chokeslam 1 (2k15)
Two Handed chokeslam 1 (2k18)
Snapmare & chinlock (2k15)
Šepet v vetru 1 (2k18)
Udarec s hrbtom 1 (2k18)
Cenin udarec 1 (2k18)
Nizek udarec 3 (2k17)
Ženski udarec (2k17)
Cena Punch 4 (2k18)
Hulk Hoganovo posmehovanje iz (2k15)
Hulk Hogan Comeback animacija (2k15)
Hulk Hogan Leg drop 6 (2k15)
F-5 4 (2k16)
Stone Cold Stunner 3 (2k15)
Stone Cold Stunner 2 (2k15)
GTS 3 — CM Punk's GTS (2k15)
Knee Strike 3 (2k15)
Boxing Rope Body Rush 2k15
Death Valley Driver 3 (2k15)
Emerald Fusion 2 (2k15)
Gourdbuster 1 (2k15)
Inverted front Powerslam 1 (2k15)
Machoman scoop slam (2k15)
Neckbreaker 13 (2k15)
One Hand Spinebuster 2 (2k15)
Rey Mysterio Sredina Kick (2k15)
Rock Bottom 4 (2k17)
Curb Stomp (Blackout) (2k15)
Stone Cold Stunner 4 (2k15)
Suplex Powerslam (2k15)
Ankle lock 1 (2k18) ) )
Prskanje telesa 4 (2k16)
Pljusk po telesu 2 (2k16)
Vrvica za oblačila 4 (2k16-18)
Ribiški lomilec vratu 2 (2k16)
Udarec v glavo 3 (2k16)
Padec noge 6 (2k15)
Padec komolca srednje vrvi 3 (2k18)
Padec komolca srednje vrvi 4 (2k18)
Napad s komolcem pri teku (2k16)
Slingshot Suplex (2k18)
Vrteča se hrbtna pest 3 (2k17)
Dvoročno davljenje bomba (2k18)
Two handed chokeslam 1 (2k18)
Samoan Strike 2 (2k17)
Sweet chin music 4 (2k17)
G.T.S (2K15)
Zahteva različico igre: WWE 2k19 v 1.4 (Mod deluje na drugih različicah igre ni zagotovljeno).
Мод добавляет (не заменяет) приемы из прошлых игр серии WWE.
Установка: разархивировать папку pac в директорию с игрой и подтвердить замену файлов.
Список Приемов:
Twist of Fate 1 (2k18)
Running Powerslam (2k18)
Diving Fist Drop 2 (2k18)
Diving Fist Drop 1 (2k18)
Diving Double Axe Handle 3 (2K18)
Belly to Back Mat Slam 2 (2k18)
Alley Oop 2 (2k18) — Not listed in 2k19
Adjustment Piledriver (2kl8)
Float-Over DDT 2 (2k17
DDT 1 (2K18
DDT 9 (2k18)
Back Body Drop / Spinebuster Combo
Gorilla Press/Ultimate Splash Combo
Ven-Emma (cobra)
Powerbomb 3 (2k15)
Sambo Suplex (2k15)
Playmaker (MVP) (Hidden)
Rolling Elbow (2k18)
Eat Defeat (2k15) Gail Kim
Backbreaker Drop 1 (2k18)
Boxing Straight Punch (2k18)
Ladder Bulldog (Hidden)
Suplex 3 (2k18)
Diving Leg drop 1 (2k18) -
Sharanui 1 (2k18)
Fisherman Suplex 3 (2k15)
Triple German Suplex (2k15)
Chick Kick (2k17)
Santino Stunner (2k17)
DDT 3 (2k18)
DDT 4 (2k18)
Leg-Trap Spinebuster (2k15)
Facecrusher 3 (2k15)
Knee Lift 2 (2k15)
Side Headlock Takedown (2k15)
Camel Clutch 1 (2k18)
Double Arm Camel clutch (2k15)
Torture Rack 1 (2k18)
Perfect-Plex 1 (2k18)
Coconut Crush (2k15)
Facecrusher 1 (2k18)
Spear 4 (2k15)
Running Turnbuckle Smash (2k18)
Hip Hop Drop (2k18)
Middle Rope Dropkick (2k18)
Diving Moonsault 3 (2k18)
Corner Trapped Clotheslines 1 (2k18)
Locomotive Splash (2k18)
Apron Dropkick (Roman Reigns OMG)
Ring Post Tornado DDT (OMG)
Middle Rope Arm Breaker
Corner Post Baseball Slide (OMG)
Fisherman Suplex 5 (2k16)
Seated Clothesline (2k16)
Low Dropkick 1 (2k15)
Hot shot (2k15)
Codebreaker 3 (2k15)
Player's Boot (2k15)
RKO 2 (2k15)
World's Strongest Slam 2 (2k15)
Samoan Strike 2 (2k15)
Hurricanrana (2k15)
Codebreaker 2 (2k15)
Sweet Chin Music 3 (2k15)
Attitude Adjustment 2 (2k15)
Chokeslam 2 (2k15)
Accordion Rack 2 (2k18)
Big Boot 3 (2k15)
Brain Chop (2k15)
Butterfly DDT 2 (2K18)
Clothesline 8 (2k15)
Crucifix Powerbomb 2 (2k17)
DDT 5 (2K15)
Gory Neckbreaker (2k18)
Hairpull Whip (2k15)
Hip Toss 5 (2k15)
Keylock Combo 4 (2k15)
Last Call (2k15)
Meat Hook (2k17)
Mounted Punches 1 (2k18)
Olympic slam 1 (2k18)
Outer limitz elbow Drop (2k18)
Player's boot 2 (2k15)
Poison Mist (2k18)
Poison Mist Claw (2k18)
Power of the Punch (2k18)
Powerbomb 3 (2k18)
Pull-back forearm smash (2k15)
RKO1 (2k15)
Scoop Slam and Drop Kick (2k15)
Seated Senton (2k15)
Silver Spoon DDT (2K18)
Sit-Out Neckbreaker (2k16)
Sit -Out Powerbomb 2 (2k15)
wo handed chokeslam 1 (2k15)
Two Handed chokeslam 1 (2k18)
Snapmare & chinlock (2k15)
Whisper in the wind 1 (2k18)
Backhand Chop 1 (2k18)
Cena's Punch 1 (2k18)
Low Kick 3 (2k17)
Woman's Kick (2k17)
Cena Punch 4 (2k18)
Hulk Hogan's taunts from (2k15)
Hulk Hogan Comeback animation (2k15)
Hulk Hogan Leg drop 6 (2k15)
F-5 4 (2k16)
Stone Cold Stunner 3 (2k15)
Stone Cold Stunner 2 (2k15)
GTS 3 — CM Punk's GTS (2k15)
Knee Strike 3 (2k15)
Boxing Rope Body Rush 2k15
Death Valley Driver 3 (2k15)
Emerald Fusion 2 (2k15)
Gourdbuster 1 (2k15)
Inverted front Powerslam 1 (2k15)
Machoman scoop slam (2k15)
Neckbreaker 13 (2k15)
One Hand Spinebuster 2 (2k15)
Rey Mysterio Middle Kick (2k15)
Rock Bottom 4 (2k17)
Curb Stomp (Blackout) (2k15)
Stone Cold Stunner 4 (2k15)
Suplex Powerslam (2k15)
Ankle lock 1 (2k18)
Body splash 4 (2k16)
Body splash 2 (2k16)
Clothesline 4 (2k16-18)
Fisherman Neckbreaker 2 (2k16)
Head Punch 3 (2k16)
Leg drop 6 (2k15)
Middle rope elbow drop 3 (2k18)
Middle Rope elbow drop 4 (2k18)
Running elbow attack (2k16)
Slingshot Suplex (2k18)
Spinning backfist 3 (2k17)
Two handed chokeslam bomb (2k18)
Two handed chokeslam 1 (2k18)
Samoan Strike 2 (2k17)
Sweet chin music 4 (2k17)
G.T.S (2K15)
Требуется версия игры: WWE 2k19 v 1.4 (Работа мода на других версиях игры не гарантируется).
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