Novice Nove fotografije s snemanja igre The Last of Us prikazujejo Ellie, Dino in opustošeno Seattlu
Nove fotografije s snemanja igre The Last of Us prikazujejo Ellie, Dino in opustošeno Seattlu
9 julij 2024, 13:57

Filming for the second season of The Last of Us continues in Canada. A fan X-account has published numerous shots, including images of Ellie and Dina portrayed by Bella Ramsey and Isabela Merced.
Other images show the Scars, one of the main factions in the second part, and a mural of an unknown woman they worship.
The filming took place in Vancouver's Chinatown. Recall that the main events of the game take place in Seattle.
The filming process is expected to conclude next month. The second season premiere is scheduled for the first half of 2025.
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