A mysterious envoy named Ganyu appeared before you at the Three Cups in the Harbor restaurant and stated that she was acting on Ningguang's behalf, inviting you to the floating Jade Chamber in the sky. We will show you how to get to the Jade Chamber and complete the Archon Quest A New Star Approaches in Genshin Impact.
The Archon Quest A New Star Approaches, Volume 1, Chapter 3 will become available upon reaching Adventure Rank 35 of your characters and completing the previous story quests. It consists of several simple stages.
After talking to Ganyu, you need to find the Jade Chamber near the highest point in this area, by Mt. Tianheng. Near Mt. Tianheng, there is a hill with a teleport waypoint for fast travel. Use it to get near the mountain and climb to the elevation.
Upon reaching the mountain, you will see a highlighted area that needs to be explored to get to the floating Jade Chamber. Examine the top of the hill and find the only windmill that can be interacted with using the Anemo element. When you do this, an air current and several rings will appear in the sky in front of the palace. Use them to reach the small island floating in the air.
Paimon will suggest launching the main character from the Gui Zhong Ballista directly into the Jade Chamber. Search the rich chest on the floating island and head towards the ballista.
Right in front of the Gui Zhong Ballista, you will encounter several Milleliths. Fight them and talk to Keqing. The girl will advise you to present a gift to Ningguang, after which the quest will be completed, and you will receive a reward.
To complete the first part of this quest, you need to find several Hydro slimes and collect three units of the Exquisite Slime Condensate resource. The slimes you need can be found near any bodies of water.
In any case, you can first go to the marker on the map and free the captive, guarded by treasure hoarders.
Deal with the gang of bandits and talk to the captive named Meng Dan. He will direct you to the Mingxing Jewelry House on the outskirts of Liyue. Before this, be sure to collect the remaining ingredients for Ningguang's gift. Upon arriving at the jewelry house, collect the gift Glazed Slime and find a guide to the Jade Chamber. This guide will be Bu Yun, located in the southern part of Liyue.
The guide will take you to the Jade Chamber, where Ningguang will appear at the doorstep. The gift you prepared for the girl earlier will come in handy now. Talk to her, enter the palace, and watch a lengthy cutscene, after which you will receive a reward.
Ko pobereš kos papirja s table v Jade Chamber, se na zemljevidu prikaže označeno območje. Pojdi do oznake na zemljevidu in se spopadi z ducatom sovražnikov. V ruševinah poišči raziskave Fatui in prisluhni Paimon. Na zemljevidu se bo pojavila nova oznaka, ki vodi do kraja med Dihua Marsh in Guili Plains.
Zberi posebne cvetove Glaze Lilies na obali, poleg Zhonglija. V tem trenutku te napadejo Whopperflowers. Pogovori se z Zhonglijem in pojdi do Liyue Harbor. Blizu vhoda v mesto se boš srečal s Felixom. Ta lik bo označen z oznako.
Pojdi do Zlate hiše in preglej Exuvio. Kasneje se ti bo pridružil Childe in moral ga boš premagati.
Childe je zelo resen nasprotnik. Uporablja več oblik in dva različna elementa, Hydro in Electro, za svoje napade ter se zelo hitro giblje. V boju s Childeom poskusi nenehno premikati in se izogibati napadom, saj te lahko sovražnik ubije s samo nekaj močnimi napadi.
Childeova oblika Št. 11 Fatui Harbingerjev:
Childeova oblika Zlo dediščina:
V končni obliki se Childe spremeni v letečega nasprotnika, ki napada z elementom Elektro. V tej obliki se sovražnik giblje počasneje, vendar uporablja nabite napade z večjo škodo.
Prelomna točka
Po porazu Childeovih treh oblik si oglejte podaljšano filmsko sekvenco z Anemo Archonom in Adepti. Tukaj se bodo pojavili Fatui, ki nameravajo uničiti Gui Zhong Balisto. Morali boste braniti tri dele baliste. Na levi strani zaslona lahko spremljate stanje vsakega dela:
Ne dovolite, da se pošasti Fatui približajo balistam. Poskusite jih uničiti, preden povzročijo škodo enemu od delov, ki jih varujete. Na vrhu zaslona se bo prikazal časovnik, in ko bo čas potekel, se bo napad končal.
Pojdite v Liyue Harbor in poiščite Zhonglija v Wangsheng pogrebnem zavodu. Sledite oznaki na zemljevidu do Northland Bank in si oglejte filmsko sekvenco, po kateri bi morali obiskati Yujing Terrace in prisluhniti lokalnim prebivalcem. Obe nalogi bosta označeni na zemljevidu, tako da ju boste lahko enostavno našli.
Vse, kar vam ostane, je, da sodelujete v Obredu vzpona in prejmete nagrado za končno nalogo.