Kje najti ikonične in legendarne revolverje v Cyberpunk 2077

V svetu Cyberpunk 2077 je široka izbira orožja. Med to različnostjo lahko najdete ikonične pištole. Takšno orožje ima posebne lastnosti, ki jih običajne pištole nimajo. Poglejmo, kje najti vse ikonične revolverje v Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Guides

  1. Where to Find All Tarot Graffiti in Cyberpunk 2077
  2. Where to Find the Samurai Jacket in Cyberpunk 2077
  3. Where to find a cat in Cyberpunk 2077 and how to adopt it in V's apartment
  4. How to Upgrade Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077
  5. How to Level Up Quickly to Maximum Level in Cyberpunk 2077
  6. Best Builds in Cyberpunk 2077: Gunslinger, Netrunner and Silent Assassin
  7. Where to find iconic and legendary assault rifles in Cyberpunk 2077
  8. Where to find iconic and legendary revolvers in Cyberpunk 2077
  9. Where to find iconic and legendary knives and katanas in Cyberpunk 2077
  10. Where to Find Legendary Quickhacks in Cyberpunk 2077
  11. Where to find skill and ability chips in Cyberpunk 2077
  12. Where to Find Legendary Cyberware Mods in Cyberpunk 2077
  13. All Endings of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty — How to Get Them
  14. Where to Find All Iconic and Legendary Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
  15. All Phone Numbers in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
  16. How to Beat All Bosses in the Blood and Bone Quest in Cyberpunk 2077
  17. Which Implants to Choose in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty: Best and Iconic Implants
  18. How to Defeat a Cyberpsycho in Cyberpunk 2077 Without Killing Them
  19. Where to Find Save Files in Cyberpunk 2077: How to Transfer Saves
  20. Where to Find Iconic and Legendary Sniper Rifles in Cyberpunk 2077
  21. How to Unlock All Endings in Cyberpunk 2077
  22. Where to Find Iconic and Legendary Shotguns in Cyberpunk 2077
  23. All Romances and Sex in Cyberpunk 2077 — Guide
  24. Cars in Cyberpunk 2077: Where to Find the Best and Fastest Cars in the Game
  25. How to Get Johnny Silverhand's Pistol, Car, and Clothes in Cyberpunk 2077
  26. Where to Find Legendary and Iconic Clothing in Cyberpunk 2077
  27. How to Increase Your Relationship with Johnny Silverhand to 70% in Cyberpunk 2077
  28. Where to Find and Buy Sandevistan in Cyberpunk 2077: The Best Build for David Martinez
  29. Where to Find the Mantis Blades in Cyberpunk 2077
  30. How to Create a Beautiful Female Character in Cyberpunk 2077
  31. How to Upgrade Attributes, Skills, and Abilities in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

Nekateri revolverji so na voljo le med določenimi misijami ali z izvajanjem specifičnih dejanj.

Amnesty Revolver

Med glavno nalogo For Whom the Bell Tolls boste našli Cassidyja v kotu nomadske taborišča Aldecaldo. Dokončajte nalogo We Gotta Live Together in z njim streljajte steklenice, da pridobite elektromagnetni revolver Amnesty. Pred tem boste morali dokončati Panamovo zgodbo, da pridobite njeno podporo.

Archangel Revolver

Dokončajte stranske naloge Johnnyja Silverhanda: Chippin' In, Blistering Love, Holdin' On, Second Conflict in A Like Supreme. Kerry vam bo dal revolver Archangel po koncertu.

Comrade's Hammer Electromagnetic Revolver

Okrožje Santo Domingo, Arroyo. Od hitre točke potovanja Red Dirt Bar se odpravite proti označevalcu organizirane kriminalne dejavnosti. Zavijte levo v ulico, preden dosežete poštni predal (ikona škatle na zemljevidu). Spoprijateljite se z nasprotniki in poiščite dokumentacijo na enem od teles.

Crash Revolver

Nagrada za dokončanje končne stranske naloge River Warda The Hunt. Pred tem dokončajte naloge: I Fought the Law, The Hunt in Following the River.

Revolver Doom Doom

Revolver Doom Doom bo na voljo med Johnnyjevo nalogo Second Conflict, če ste mirno zaključili nalogo The Pickup z Maelstromom (morate uporabiti svoje lastne denar, odstraniti virus iz Meredithinega čipa, preden ga podate Roycu, ali omeniti virus na čipu, če igrate kot Corpo). Po tem se bo v nalogi Second Conflict pojavil Doom Doom, in lahko pridobite orožje od njega. Ubiti ga boste morali.

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