Vse skrivnosti in misteriji črnega mita: Wukong

Pet elementarnih vozičkov
Premagajte Nepremagljivega bojevnika z sekiro, da prejmete nalogo za uničenje vozičkov. Prvi voziček se bo pojavil takoj po začetku naloge. Uničite ga in ponovno zaženite lokacijo. Pogovorite se z bojevnikom, da izveste lokacije preostalih vozičkov. You will encounter the second cart during the main story campaign. You will find the third cart in the Ember Forests. The fourth cart is in the Furnace Valley. You will find the fifth one in the lava lake.
After dealing with the carts, head to the location Cooling Slope. Fight the final boss. After victory, a secret area will open up to you — the Bishui Cave.
Samadhi Fire Crystals and the Blazing Karma Staff
In the fifth chapter, you can collect three Samadhi crystals, which are given as rewards for defeating optional bosses. These items will allow you to create a very powerful weapon the Blazing Karma staff. Here is a list of all crystal locations:
- Go to the altar Valley Entrance. Move to the left side of the lava river. There you will meet a boss, after defeating whom you will receive the first crystal.
- After the flame goes out, return to the altar Ash Pass. Go down the path where the giant Golden Ball rolled. At the end of the path, the second boss will be waiting for you.
- Continue along the path after the second boss. You need to defeat four fireworm enemies and head to the glowing area on the ground. The third boss will appear, from whose body you can collect the third crystal.
Secret Area: Bishui Cave
Go from Ember Forests to the altar Ash Passage. Fight the Steadfast Warrior with an Axe. After the victory, talk to him. Go to Furnace Valley to the altar Emerald Hall. Fight the story bosses. In one of the battles, a bull will join you. After the victory, talk to him. Go to the altar Valley Entrance. Go down the path to the lava. Talk to the fox. Move to the location Fire Field and go to the altar Furnace Crater. Go down the path left behind by the huge ball. Fight the boss and activate the altar Cold Slope. Approach the icy gates and fight the last serious opponent. Talk to the bull and open the doors to the secret location.
Where to Find the Spirit Top Takes Bottom and Bottom Takes Top
The bosses Top Takes Bottom and Bottom Takes Top will pursue the main character throughout the fifth chapter. At first, they will take the form of a charged spiked sphere that will interfere with the exploration of Ash Pass 3. Later, you will encounter them inside the cave Bishui. However, after the battles, you will not receive their Spirit. To get it, you need to return to the Emerald Hall after the clash with the sphere. Near the rock at the exit, you will see the remains of the boss. Interact with them to obtain the powerful Spirit.
Kje najti skrivnega šefa z devetimi kapami Lingzhija Guaija
Še en nevaren šef, preoblečen v rastlino. Najdete ga na jasi blizu svetišča Ash Pass 3. Pojdite na to mesto in izberite osrednjo rastlino, da prikličete sovražnika. Guai je precej težaven šef. Vrgel bo glavo proti vam, da oslepi in upočasni junaka. To dejanje mu pomaga odvzeti levji delež zdravja v nekaj sekundah.
Kako pridobiti vrhovno bučo
Vrhovna buča je zadnja različica buče, ki jo je mogoče nadgraditi na najvišjo raven. Najprej obiščite opico Shen in ji dajte zadostno količino dišeče vinske trte Luo Jia, da z 9 polnjenji nadgradi bučo na najvišjo raven. Nato pojdite do svetišča Rakshasa Palace, ki se nahaja v dolini peči. Sledimo poti, ki vodi do mostov. Zavijte levo do lave, da pridete do okroglega kamnitega templja s plamenom v sredini. Videli boste Mojstra Yuana, ki vam je dal bučo v prvem poglavju. Pogovorite se z njim in sodelujte s plamenom, da pridobite mitsko obliko svoje stare buče.
Iskanje starca
Starca iz prejšnjih poglavij najdete v veliki sobi na levi strani območja palače Rakshasa . Če mu prinesete bučo z devetimi polnjenji, jo bo nadgradil do največjega potenciala.
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