TOP-6 hollywoodskih igralcev v igrah. Brez Reevsa, Reedusa in Schwarzeneggerja

We decided to remember how famous actors appeared in video games. And to make it more interesting for you to read, we decided for the hundredth time not to talk about Norman Reedus in Death Stranding and Arnold Schwarzenegger in MK11. So make some coffee, get comfortable, and get going.

Shawn Ashmore in Quantum Break

And let's start with a very unusual creation by Remedy, which was released in 2016. We are talking about the action movie Quantum Break, the main character of which was played by Shawn Ashmore. And last year he could be seen in the image of Conrad, one of the characters in The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan.

Ashmore is primarily known to Russian audiences for two roles. Since 2000, the actor has played the role of Iceman in the X-Men franchise: he has four films and one video game to his credit. And most recently, he donned the Lamplighter costume in The Boys, a popular Amazon series.

Rami Malek in Until Dawn

We couldn't pass by Oscar winner, star of the TV series «Mr. Robot» and hero of the Hackerman meme, actor Rami Malek. The Egyptian-American played the role of Joshua, a good-natured guy and the older brother of two missing girls in the game Until Dawn. In our subjective opinion, it was in this role that Malek was able to demonstrate his acting skills, masterfully playing a man who experienced severe psychological trauma.

The rest of the game's cast isn't that stellar. Among the most famous names to Russian viewers, it is worth noting Brett Dalton, familiar from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Swedish actor Peter Stormare, who played in the cult film The Big Lebowski.

Clancy Brown in Detroit: Become Human

In our selection, we simply could not ignore Clancy Brown, whose appearance and voice were given to Lieutenant Hank Anderson from Detroit: Become Human. You can endlessly watch three things: how the fire burns, how the water flows, and how the 61-year-old actor plays an elderly alcoholic who is grieving a personal tragedy.

It is, of course, up to you to decide how authentically Brown was able to reveal his character. We can only add that this is not the actor's first appearance in games. For several years, from 1997 to 2003, he voiced Neo Cortex, the antagonist of the Crash Bandicoot series. And he did it, I must say, excellently.

Giancarlo Esposito in Far Cry 6

Well, we are transported to Cuba. Sorry, to «a certain country in the grip of a revolution». The island of Yara is ruled by the brutal dictator Anton Castillo, played by Giancarlo Esposito, probably familiar to you from his role as Gustavo Fring, the drug lord from the TV series Breaking Bad.

In one of the interviews, the actor spoke about his character, highlighting several key things: «Resnično si želi najboljše za državo, vendar živi v svetu, ki se spreminja veliko hitreje, kot on sam. Zato išče način, da bi ljudje verjeli vanj». Ali je to res ali ne, bomo kmalu izvedeli. Far Cry 6 naj bi prišel v trgovine spomladi 2021.

Willem Dafoe in Beyond: Two Souls

Še en projekt Davida Cagea in še en neverjeten igralec. Leta 2013 je izšla Beyond: Two Souls , v kateri je eno od vlog odigral Willem Dafoe, štirikratni nominiranec za oskarja in junak mema You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. V interaktivnem filmu Quantic Dream se pojavi kot deloholik znanstvenik z očitnimi duševnimi motnjami.

Vsi so tako oboževali Dafoejevo igro, da je bil celo nominiran za Spike Video Game Award za najboljšega glasovnega igralca. V enem od intervjujev je igralec, ki je igral Nathana Dawkinsa, poudaril, da je bil navdušen nad Cageovim delom. «Bil je mentor. Rekel je, kaj želi videti in kaj je treba narediti. Ta pristop mi je všeč», je dejal Defoe.

Kevin Spacey in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

In rad bi zaključil naš izbor z dobrim igralcem, katerega videz in glas sta šla k liku v ne prav dobri igri. Brilliantni Kevin Spacey je odigral glavnega antagonista v Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Zato se splača preživeti čas ob tem povprečnem streljačkem, če le zaradi tega, da cenimo karizmo dvakratnega oskarjevca.

Igralec je sam o svoji nalogi govoril takole: «Prideš, narišejo ti pike po obrazu, oblečejo te v črn tesen kostum in ti na glavo postavijo čelado s kamero, ki ti svetli s svetilko naravnost v oči. Potem te odpeljejo v prazno sobo s škatlami in rečejo, plezaj na te škatle, daj roko sem, kot da se naslanjaš na nekaj, splezaj dol s škatel, sedi na stol in končaj svoj del dialoga — posneto!»


To je vse za danes. Obvezno delite svojega najljubšega igralca v komentarjih, ki smo ga preprosto morali vključiti v izbor. Se ne poslavljamo!

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